Our Programs


Metatopia Diversity Scholarship

In cooperations with Double Exposure, the Indie Game Developer Network sponsors a scholarship to enable diverse game designers to attend Metatopia, the game design conference. In addition to our direct contribution, we crowdfund additional money to send a larger cohort to Metatopia. The scholarship covers travel, lodging, and a badge so that designers can show off their games and make connections with industry professionals.


Indie Groundbreaker Awards

The Indie Groundbreaker Awards are held at Gen Con each year. The awards are designed to shine a spotlight on excellence in the indie game design community. These awards recognize games (and game designers) who create new and exciting game designs that push the boundaries in innovation, in promoting diversity, and in expanding what it means to be “indie.”



The peer coaching program is a service offered to members of the IGDN. Participants are matched with a peer coach from within the IGDN who  has experience in a specific subject, and meet over video chat to share their knowledge of the business of game design. Mentors also benefit from this relationship, and report that discussing these topics also deepens their understanding of them.